It’s the year 2020. So keeping with the theme of normalcy, I’ve decided to pivot this blog. I’m dropping food styling and photography from my list of services. I just feel like I don’t resonate with it anymore. That’s what changing. What stays the same however is the good food and questionable sense of humour.
I’ve never really tried to market this blog very aggressively. And maybe it shows (after 6 years, I still need to count my husband as one of my subscribers). What started as a passion for cooking very quickly annexed styling, photography and writing as well. But I still felt the pressure to earn an income from this, considering the amount of time and effort that was going into keep it alive. So I started forcing myself to look into things like SEO (search engine optimization, for the blessedly uninitiated). You know, typical blogging starter pack stuff. But I quickly realized this was simply not me. I’d rather just focus on doing what I’m doing and see how it evolves naturally. Not planning anything; not fighting anything either. If you’re wondering what I do for a living, here’s a shameless plug for my day job.
It’s the simple things in life that make us happy, and for me, food is definitely at the heart of that. (And try as I may, SEO is just not.) When I’m in the kitchen I tend to rely on my intuition and by the feel of things as they strike me at the moment, and also by making do with what I have on hand. As a result, I tend to tweak the recipes that I follow (some way beyond recognition as you may have noticed). But that’s the only way I can cook – without following the monotony of a regimented approach. I do, for the most part, make sure to point out the changes, so feel free to follow whichever one appeals to you more. Or better still, give it your own twist and as always, I’d love to see pictures and hear about it!
All the photos on this website are photographed and styled by me unless stated otherwise.
Great blog Kirthana. Will keep following. Do visit the page “Ejji the Omnivore” on my web site. Also see my blog. There is an article you can read titled “EAT INSECTS AND BEAT WORLD HUNGER- SAYS U.N.”.Cheers, keep smiling and stay well,
Ejji K. Umamahesh
Web site: http://www.ejji.4t.com
Always mail to: ejjiumamahesh@gmail.com
Blog: ejji6t.wordpress.com
Hand phone: + 91 99406 35547
Skype name: ejjik.umamahesh
Photo Gallery: picasaweb.google.com/ejjiumamahesh
I totally agree about experimenting in the kitchen — that’s one of my favorite parts of cooking.