  • 1/2cup quinoa
  • 1cup coconut milk
  • 1 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4tsp salt
Caramelized bananas:
  • 3 bananas
  • 3tbsp brown sugar(or other sweetener of your choice – maple syrup or honey work really well here too)
  1. Cook quinoa according to packet instructions until all the water has been absorbed. Stir in coconut milk, salt and ground cinnamon.
  2. Keeping the pot on a low heat and making sure it doesn’t boil over, cook for a further 2-3 minutes just to reheat the quinoa with the coconut milk. Set aside.
  3. Slice the bananas into thick rounds. Add the sugar (or your sweetener of choice) to a pan and heat through just until it starts to bubble around the edges, about 40 seconds.
  4. Add the banana slices to the sugar and cook for 3-4 minutes, flipping them over a few times to ensure it’s coated and caramelized on all sides. You don’t want the bananas to get mushy, so as soon as it starts to brown, it’s done.
  5. To serve, divide the porridge between bowls. Top with caramelized bananas. Serve hot or at room temperature.